When a golfer hits a ball, using scientific language,, we call the ball 'a projectile'.
Most people believe that if an object is moving upward and rightward, there must be both an upward and rightward force…. …but they are wrong!
Here are some other types of projectiles..
We are interested in forces acting AFTER the golf ball (projectile) has been thrown/launched.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to perform an experiment to find the optimum angle to launch a projectile to gain the maximum range.
First, perform each test using an on-line simulator (see and write down you results).
1. Set up the nerf gun on a table or on a tripod as shown in the image above.
2. Fire one projectile at 60 degrees and another at 30 degrees. Compare the distance (range) that both projectiles travel. What does this indicate? Try some other, similar comparisons
3. If you launch a piano and a tomato at the same angle and with the same speed, which one will go the farthest?
2. We launch three projectiles - one at 40 degrees (a), another at 45 degrees(b) and one at 50 degrees (hint - if you rely on look-up answers from Wikipedia or the table shown above, or similar resources, you will probably give the wrong answer to this question):
When you have obtained your results:
How many trials would be needed for a reliable 'fair' test, and how would you set up this experiment?