1. Seeing Red (Temperature & Radiation)



Create a simple survey to introduce the concept of Infra-red (IR), and familiarise students with and IR thermometer.

If you will be using an Infra-red (IR) thermometer this is a good activity to familiarise students with some of the underlying science.

This will be an extremely useful tool to use for almost every heat experiment described below.

Watch the videos and select at least one practical experiment to perform, then discuss (some example activities/ideas can be found here.

Example Infra-red Thermometer - User Manual:

Infrared Thermometer

Investigating heat using Infra-red (IR) technology (Read more)

Video - Infra-red Radiation (IR) - How it works (6min)



  1. Is infra-red heat?
  2. Why can we feel but not see infra-red?
  3. How can we measure temperature using infra-red?
  4. What are some of the things that we use every day that also use infra-red - and how do they work?


Video - Infra-red & Radiation Spectrum (5min)

Video - Fire, Heat & Light (1.5min)